Malassezia folliculitis seems not a common disease, but it is quite common in tropical countries like India though people even doctors do not recognizes this disease easily and thinks a severe acne case of acne.
Malassezia folliculitis does cause acne like lesions on back, shoulders, neck, upper arms, and face. The main distinguishing feature of Malassezia folliculitis from acne is that it usually does not respond to common treatment applied for acne.
True acneiform lesion do occur in some cases along with Malassezia folliculitis, but it is Malassezia folliculitis which causes very frequent, unresponsive to treatment, and severe papular, pustular, and papulopustular skin eruptions.
As yeast infection is main culprit avoiding humid atmosphere can help a lot.
Homeopathic Treatment
Here I am describing some homeopathic medicines, which if taken for long time according to case and case progress can result in significant improvement in condition.
1. Rhus Tox.
2. Merc Sol.
3. Sulphur.
4. Calcarea Carb.
5. Belladonna.
6. Bryonia
7. Antim Crudum.
8. Sepia.
9 Silicea.
10. Natrum Mur
11. Pulsatilla.
12. Causticum.
13. Staphysagria
14. Arsenic Album.
15. Petroleum.
Warts On Fingers Recent Online Case
Calc Carb 30 has been advised which has given good results in my clinical
6 years ago
In intense cases, Folliculitis Treatment may not be necessary. Different times, anti-infection agents or antibacterial medications with benzoyl peroxide might be given. There are few Folliculitis Natural Treatment that can treat folliculitis .
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